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Sensory Reflective Balls Silver Pk4

Sensory Reflective Balls Silver Pk4

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Made from hard wearing stainless steel, can
be handled indoors or outside. Children will
be fascinated to see items placed next to
the mirrors including their own face enlarged
close-up. Size: 60, 80, 100, 150mm diameter.
  • Reflective mirror balls provide a stretched version of reality that is distorted like a fish-eye lens giving a view which is other-worldly. Children will be fascinated to see items placed close to the mirrors including their own face enlarged in close-up. Made from hard wearing stainless steel, these beautiful smooth tactile balls are robustly constructed without being too heavy and therefore can be handled by young children with ease. They can be used indoors or out and provide a focal point for displays. The silver balls provide a colour match with the surroundings, the golden and rainbow patterns provide colour distortions which will promote interest and discussion.
  • We are delighted to announce that the SILVER SENSORY REFLECTIVE BALLS were shortlisted in the 2015 Nursery World Awards!
  • Supports the EYFS and KS1 National Curriculum:
  • EYFS Personal Social & Emotional Development: Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings & behaviour
    EYFS Physical Development: Moving & handling
    EYFS Understanding the World: The World; Technology
    EYFS Expressive Arts & Design: Exploring & using media & materials; Being imaginative
    KS1 Personal & Social Development
    KS1 Science
    Supports quality provision using ITERS and ECERS
  • ITERS-R:03. Provision for relaxation & comfort
    ITERS-R:15. Activities: Fine motor
    ITERS-R:17. Activities: Art
    ITERS-R:22. Activities: Nature / Science
    ECERS-R/E: Language & Reasoning, Activities, Science & Environment, Provisions for children with disabilities, Diversity
  • Specification
    Size: 60, 80, 100, 150mm diameter. Suitable from birth.
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